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Our lab has a position open for a postdoc fellow. We're looking for someone with experience in membrane protein purification, structural biology and/or proteomics. Contact us at jeanfrancois.trempe at


-Congratulations to Tara! She won second place at the SciencePOP competition held at McGill on April 14th, 2023.

-Sabrina was awarded the Canada Graduate Scholarship- Master's (CGS-M) and the FRQS Master's Training Scholarship. Congrats!!

-Tara was selected to give an oral presentation at the 4th annual CRBS symposium that took place November 7th, 2022. Congrats Tara!!

-Andrew was awarded the second annual Maximilian Eivaskhani In Memoriam Graduate Scholarship for the 2022-2023 academic year. Congrats Andrew! Well deserved.  

Follow us on Twitter for updates:
@jftrempe for Trempe lab and other news from the Great LeaderTM
@CRBSMcGill for news about the Centre de Recherche en Biologie Structurale

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